With our raffle fast approaching on June 14, 2020, I would like to take this opportunity to thank those that have sold all of their tickets (especially those that asked for more). You are a blessing to our Church and directly included in the $2,200.00 tickets sold as of Tuesday, May 26, 2020.
Since there will not be any festivities this year due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the raffle serves as our largest fund raiser for the year. This makes selling your raffle ticket even more important this year. If you have not sold and turned in your ticket stubs, I appeal to you to do so as soon as possible. If you need more tickets please contact Angela @ 313-891-4553.
Please remain safe with your families during this
time. Thanks for your anticipated response. in support of our beautiful parish.
Richard Larkins
2020 Raffle Chairperson